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Monarch Conservation Webinar Series


The MJV is partnering with the USFWS to develop a series of webinars on monarch biology, monitoring, and conservation. We are in the process of identifying potential future webinars for this series, but anticipate the next webinar being in mid March, 2015. If you have any suggestions for webinar topics or presenters, please email Wendy at monarchs@monarchjointventure.org. 

The webinars will all be recorded and available for viewing after each is completed. 

View the webinar series here

Upcoming Webinars: 

  • September 17 (TBD)
  • October 15 (TBD)

Information About Upcoming Webinars: 

Coming soon...

Past Webinars: 

December 17, 2014: Monarch Biology and Conservation Basics (Dr. Karen Oberhauser, University of Minnesota Monarch Lab)

From egg to adult, monarchs undergo a fascinating metamorphosis. The life cycle of monarchs is well known and inspirational, making these iconic insects ideal for research and science education. However, habitat loss and other threats are endangering this majestic creature. After attending this webinar, you'll have a greater understanding of the monarch's life cycle, biology, as well as their incredible journey across North America to overwintering sites in Mexico and California each year. This is the first webinar in the "Monarch Butterfly Conservation Webinar Series" that is being jointly produced by the Monarch Joint Venture and the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Future webinars will focus on habitat conservation and enhancement, milkweed propagation, and other topics where you can learn how to take a more active role in protecting monarchs.

Dr. Karen Oberhauser is a Professor in the Dept. of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology at the University of Minnesota, where she and her students conduct research on several aspects of monarch butterfly ecology. Her research depends on traditional lab and field techniques, as well as the contributions of a variety of audiences through citizen science.

February 12, 2015: Habitat Restoration Fundamentals: Time-tested approaches and new advancements in creating monarch butterfly habitat  (Eric Lee-Mäder, The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation)

This webinar is an introduction to the process of native plant restoration for monarch butterfly habitat. This webinar examines the step-by-step procedures for designing, installing, and managing native plant communities specifically designed for monarch breeding. Among the topics explored are initial planning considerations, formulating seed mixes, site preparation and weed abatement, and long-term land management practices. Real world case studies are provided, and successful approaches in multiple eco-regions are described.

Eric Lee-Mäder is the Pollinator Conservation Program Co-Director at the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. In this role Eric works across the world with farmers, gardeners, land managers and the agencies like the US Department of Agriculture and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization to restore native habitat in working agricultural lands. 

April 23, 2015: Enhancing existing landscapes for monarchs and native pollinators: techniques and case studies for land managers (Greg Hoch, MN DNR; Laura Jackson and Kristine Nemec, Tallgrass Prairie Center; Mary Byrne and Vicki Wojcik, Pollinator Partnership; Angie Babbit, Monarch Watch)

In this webinar, a panel of presenters share techniques and case studies for enhancing existing habitats for monarch butterflies and other pollinators. Topics include best management practices for augmenting natural habitats, roadsides, right-of-way areas, and other landscapes. Additionally, you will learn more in-depth about milkweed and nectar plant availability, including seed collection, plug production and sourcing native plant and seed materials.

After a career in academia, working with for the USFWS, and as a research biologist with the MN DNR, Greg Hoch recently accepted the position of Prairie Habitat Team Supervisor for the MN DNR. Mary Byrne and Vicki Wojcik work with partners across all landscapes types; natural areas, farms, city, schools, utility rights-of-ways, Superfund sites and other degraded landscapes, as well as gardens to help establish pollinator habitat as the Plant Ecologist and Research Director, respectively. They develop pollinator habitat planting recommendations and technical guidance, conduct rare plant research and support education and outreach efforts. Kristine Nemec is the Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management Program Manager at the University of Northern Iowa's Tallgrass Prairie Center. She provides guidance and support to Iowa's county roadside programs, which establish native vegetation in county rights-of-way to provide a variety of ecosystem services. Laura Jackson is Director of the Tallgrass Prairie Center and Professor of Biology at the UNI. Her research and teaching focus on restoration of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. Angie Babbit is the Communications Coordinator at Monarch Watch, an outreach program focused on education, research and conservation relative to monarch butterflies. 

April 30, 2015: Contributions of Monarch Citizen Science and Program Overviews (Sonia Altizer, Project Monarch Health; Elizabeth Howard, Journey North; Karen Oberhauser (Monarch Larva Monitoring Project; Chip Taylor, Monarch Watch)

Monarch citizen science has been critical to our understanding of this iconic species. Four main programs are covered in-depth in this webinar, representing multiple aspects of monarch biology. These include Journey North and Monarch Watch (tracking the migration), Monarch Larva Monitoring Project (tracking egg and larval abundance), and Monarch Health (tracking monarch parasites). Outcomes of these and other citizen science programs are presented.

Sonia Altizer is a Professor in the Odum School of Ecology at the University of Georgia, where she and her students study monarch behavior, ecology, and interactions with a protozoan parasite. In 2006, she launched the citizen science project MonarchHealth from her lab, and also maintains a webpage dedicated to monarch parasites (www.monarchparasites.org). Elizabeth Howard is the director of Journey North, a citizen science effort to track animal migrations, including monarch butterflies. Since 1994, Journey North has been a central player in environmental education and citizen science efforts. Karen Oberhauser is a Professor in the Dept. of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology at the University of Minnesota, where she and her students conduct research on several aspects of monarch butterfly ecology. In 1996, she and graduate student Michelle Prysby started the Monarch Larva Monitoring Project, which engages hundreds of volunteers throughout North America. In 2013, Karen received a White House Champion of Change award for her work with Citizen Science. Chip Taylor is the founder and director of Monarch Watch, as well as a Professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Kansas. In 1992, Taylor founded Monarch Watch, an outreach program focused on education, research and conservation relative to monarch butterflies. Since then, Monarch Watch has enlisted the help of volunteers to tag monarchs during the fall migration.

May 21, 2015: Monarch Research and Advanced Topics (Sonia Altizer, Project Monarch Health; Lincoln Brower, Sweet Briar College; Karen Oberhauser, University of Minnesota Monarch Lab)

Dr. Sonia Altizer, Dr. Lincoln Brower, and Dr. Karen Oberhauser discuss advanced research topics in this webinar. Learn about cutting edge monarch research using new techniques to answer questions about things like migration and population genetics. Additionally, learn about research in the areas of overwintering monarchs, disease spread, natural enemies, population trends, and climate change. The new monarch book, titled Monarchs in a Changing World: Biology and Conservation of an Iconic Butterfly, is introduced for further information on these topics. 

Sonia Altizer is a Professor in the Odum School of Ecology at the University of Georgia, where she and her students study monarch behavior, ecology, and interactions with a protozoan parasite. In 2006, she launched the citizen science project MonarchHealth from her lab, and also maintains a webpage dedicated to monarch parasites (www.monarchparasites.org). Lincoln Brower has been involved in monarch research and conservation for over 60 years. He works in the fields of conservation, ecology and ecological chemistry of the monarch butterfly. He is a Distinguished Service Professor of Zoology Emeritus for the University of Florida. Karen Oberhauser is a Professor in the Dept. of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology at the University of Minnesota, where she and her students conduct research on several aspects of monarch butterfly ecology. In 1996, she and graduate student Michelle Prysby started the Monarch Larva Monitoring Project, which engages hundreds of volunteers throughout North America. In 2013, Karen received a White House Champion of Change award for her work with Citizen Science.

July 16, 2015: Conserving Monarch Butterflies in an Urban Setting (Cortney Solum, Two Rivers National Wildlife Refuge; Kristin Shaw, Ecological Places in Cities program; and Catherine Werner, St. Louis Milkweeds for Monarchs)

Urban habitat conservation is critical to the success of monarch butterflies. Creating habitat in the urban setting will ensure that the butterflies have a place to stop on their migration journey. In this webinar, Catherine Werner from the St. Louis Mayor’s Office and Milkweeds for Monarchs program, Cortney Solum from Two Rivers National Wildlife Refuge, and Kristin Shaw from the Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers Landscape Conservation Cooperative, share a case study of the Milkweeds for Monarchs (M4M) program in the city of St. Louis, MO. The M4M program is an urbanecological effort of the city and its partners to connect people to nature while providing habitat for the monarch butterfly and its caterpillars. Not only is the M4M program creating habitat within the City of St. Louis, it is a part of a larger effort to conserve themonarch butterfly and other pollinators in urban areas in the Eastern United States. Learn how you might be able to start a similar program in your urban community.

View the webinar series here: http://nctc.fws.gov/topic/online-training/webinars/monarch-conservation.html

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