Large-scale habitat restoration across all landscapes is needed to offset the loss of monarch breeding and migratory habitat to help the monarch population rebound. To help drive public awareness and continued promotion of monarch and pollinator habitat, we encourage all habitats to be registered through various certification programs. Below are a few monarch or pollinator programs facilitated by Monarch Joint Venture partners.
Monarch Habitat Success Stories
This online interactive map is facilitated by the Monarch Joint Venture. Points on the map are monarch habitat stories and experiences shared by people across North America. Categorized as gardens, managed corridors, agricultural areas, and natural and restored areas, these habitats represent the diversity of landscapes needed to help monarch populations rebound.
Monarch Waystations
The Monarch Waystation program is administered by Monarch Watch and encourages monarch habitat growth in a variety of landscapes. You can register an existing habitat as a Waystation, or purchase a kit from Monarch Watch that includes information and seeds for your region. You can also order a weatherproof sign to display at your registered Waystation, which will be included in an international Waystation registry.
Mayors’ Monarch Pledge
Mayors and other city leaders can respond to the drastic decline in monarch population by taking the National Wildlife Federation’s (NWF) Mayors’ Monarch Pledge. The pledge includes an outline of at least three specific actions that the community will take within the coming year. Participating Mayors that elect to pledge 8 or more actions will be recognized and receive membership to the Mayors’ Monarch pledge Leadership Circle. Communities report on the progress of their specific actions on a quarterly basis over the course of the year, and will receive advice on best management practices from the NWF for the duration of their project.
Butterfly Garden and Habitat Program
North American Butterfly Association registered habitats sites are supportive of all butterflies (and pollinators). To be registered, a site must include at least three native caterpillar food plants, as well as three native butterfly nectar sources. Participants are strongly discouraged from using pesticides. A weatherproof habitat sign is also available for display.
Wild Ones Butterfly Garden Recognition Program
Members of Wild Ones can certify their habitats through the Butterfly Garden Recognition Program. They are working to strengthen corridors that stretch across the U.S. and provide vital services to our planet. More information is available in the Wild Ones Journal and two DVDs that are available through Wild Ones: “The Value of Having Native Plants in our Yards”, and “Creating Healthy, Biodiverse Neighborhood Corridors”.
Bring Back the Pollinators
Developed by the Xerces Society, this certification encourages planting nectar and pollen plants, establishing nesting and growth areas for pollinators, and the elimination of pesticides and herbicides in pollinator gardens. Participants can also display a weatherproof sign and sign a Pollinator Protection Pledge to help spread the word about the importance of habitat restoration.
NWF Certified Wildlife Habitats
The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) also encourages active habitat restoration through their Garden for Wildlife program. To create a Certified Wildlife Habitat, participants provide food and water for pollinators and other wildlife, create cover for various animals, provide safe places for wildlife to raise young, and actively maintain the health of their habitat area.
Simply Have Areas Reserved for the Environment (SHARE),
The Pollinator Partnership administers an online interactive map highlighting natural habitats for pollinators. Participants plan and plant a pollinator habitat, focusing on habitat services such as food, water, and shelter and are encouraged to monitor and report their observations. A weatherproof habitat sign is also available for display.
Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
The National Pollinator Garden Network developed the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge in order to address the dwindling pollinator populations across the United States. These gardens target an array of pollinators including bees, butterflies, birds, and bats. They have a five step process: Provide food, provide water, create cover, provide breeding space, and help establish a healthy and sustainable habitat. The habitats are included in this challenge are cataloged on the SHARE interface mentioned above, and many of the programs listed here contribute their registered habitats to the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge effort.